
One day tour
Journey starts from 6:30am from college to. Neyyar dam
Reaches Neyyar dam by 8:30am
8:30am breakfast
9:30amtravel to Netta
11:30amreach @Netta
12:30pmluch @Netta
1:30pmmove to Tiruparapu
2:00pm reach @ Tiruparapu
3:00pm left Tiruparapu and move to chitral jain temple
4:pm reach @ chitral jain temple
Exit chitral jain temple @5.30pm

Travel back to college with lot of memories

Dramatic Workshop

Dramatic workshop focused on developing dramatic skills and know more about its settings.
A - Act 
C - Concentration 
T - Time management 
O - Observation 
R - Rhythm
Also, sessions related to the dramatic entertainment, it creates more passion to the session.

Cognitive Map