Camp Beginning

Camp Day 1 - REGREEN

Punarjani 360°
Mar Theophilus Training College, Nalanchira.

Camp Day 1
Registration starts at 2:00.
Offical camp started based on an
Assembly - 
Introduction of 
Flag hoisting 
NSS Anthem.

Inaguration Session

Inagural Function done by Dr. Achuthsankar S Nair
Former Professor and
Head of Dept. of
Computational Biology &
University of Kerala.
Lamp lighting ceremony also done.

Green Dreams: Ice
Breaking Session conducted by
Vasanth Krishnan S.
Author, Minds Coach,
UNDP Certified Life Skill
Master Trainer and
Deputy Director of
National Institute for
Training & Educational
Research (NaITER).

7 to 8 -   The Session Rhythmscape
Musical Bonanza Finding Upcoming Talents in Music…

8.00 pm-9.00pm Dinner & Fresh up

Kitchen time.

9.00 pm-10.00pm Bed time
10.00 pm Lights off

Teaching Practice at St. Marys School [ Week 3)

 November 25

Reached at 8:30, signed and take substition periods, and done assigned duty. 

After lunch gone to classess and take the lesson and give activities notes based on it.

November 26

Reached at 8:30, signed and done kitchen line duty, and prepared the lesson. 

Normal classes hours are there, and take the lesson and give activities and questions based on the lesson.

November 27

Reached at 8:30, signed the register and done morning line duty, and take substition hours and take classes as normal give activities and notes.

November 28

Normal classes and duties taken.

November 29

Normal classes and duties taken.

Teaching Practice @St Mary's [ Week 2]

November 18 

As I reached morning 8:30 at the school, sign the register and note down the duty timing.

Done Noon duty and prepared the lesson well and and the class hour was 5 th.  Build a rappo with students and take the class well.

November 19 
Reached at 8:30 at the school and signed the register and take substitution hour and done kitchen duty and prepared and take class and give notes to students.

November 20
Normal classes are allotted.

November 21

NAS Exam evaluation and Normal. Classes are taken.
Nov 22.

Normal classes taken.

St Mary's Teaching Practice (Week 1)

November 13 

My first day at school began with an early arrival at 8:30.

As soon as I walked in, I collected my timetable, which outlined my schedule for the day. Next, I met with my teachers and classmates to discuss our duties and responsibilities for the semester. We divided up the duty times, 

ensuring everyone knew their roles and when they were expected to contribute. With everything in place, I felt organized and ready to tackle the practice session.

Nov 14
Normal Class along with that 
Childrens day celebration rally 

and Sapientiae Founders Day Celebration 

November 15
Sapientiae Program and Normal classess.

Orientation session 2 nd sem teaching practice

Orientation for second phase teaching practice for 2nd yr students

Teaching Practice Sept 23 - 27 Week 11

 Teaching Practice Report:
Reflecting on My Teaching Practice Experience at St. John's HSS, Nalanchira

As part of my teacher training program, at St. John's Higher Secondary School (HSS), Nalanchira, from September 23rd to 27th. This experience provided invaluable insights into the teaching profession.

School Jubilee Function (September 23-24)

participated in St. John's HSS's jubilee celebrations, observing the school's vibrant culture and community engagement. 

The events showcased the students' talents, emphasizing the importance of extracurricular activities.

*Teaching Practice (September 25-26)*

I delivered lessons to implementing various teaching methods. Student response and engagement were encouraging, highlighting effective strategies.

Take yoga classes for students.
Normal Classes (September 27)

Observing regular classes revealed dynamic teacher-student interactions and classroom management techniques.

Observation Class (September)

Observation class allowed me to receive constructive feedback from mentors and peers, identifying areas for improvement.

TimeTable Collection at St Marys

Timetable collection at St Marys

Cognitive Map