Right to Internet Access. (Based on education)

Kerala declared the right to internet -

Kerala had become the first state in 2017 to declare access to Internet “a basic human right”,  'a basic right', but as many as 189 Adivasi colonies still don't have access to internet and mobile connectivity, it affects over 5,000 tribal students in these colonies.

Still, the students facing the right to internet issues and it always affects
their ' education ' in this new era.

Right to education  under Article 21A
ensure that right to internet is part of the fundamental right.
The right to access the internet, often referred to as "internet access as a human right," is a topic of ongoing debate and consideration by governments, organizations, and advocates around the world. While it's not universally recognized as a formal human right like freedom of speech or privacy, many argue that access to the internet is crucial for exercising other fundamental rights in the digital age.

The United Nations has recognized the importance of internet access for development and has encouraged countries to promote affordable and universal access. However, the extent to which access to the internet is considered a legal right varies from one country to another.

In some countries, internet access is enshrined in law as a legal right, while in others, it's more of a policy goal. The specific legal and policy frameworks related to internet access can change over time and can be influenced by cultural, political, and economic factors.

Ultimately, the recognition of internet access as a human right or a legal right depends on the legal and political context of each country. It's an evolving and complex issue with no one-size-fits-all answer.

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