Sub themes
School education
Higher education
Teacher education
Life Long Learning
• Foundational stage
•ECCA - Early childhood and care - 2013
Govt anganwadi centres - UNICEF
•Preparatory stage
•Secondary stage
Aims (9-12)
Train the young mass of the country to
be good citizens
Promote/ improve social virtues and intellectual development
Promote creativity, Universal Human values.
Develop artistic and cultural development.
NEP 2020
curriculum - 4 yrs of multidisciplinary study.
Essential courses
Choice based courses
Vocational education, arts, sports integral part of curriculum.
Design of Grades 9&10
Complete grade 10, studenrs will complete two essential courses from each of the eoght curricular areas available (total 16 essential courses across two year )
Follow annual structure.
Clear board exams at end of grade 10
Final certification based on cumulative result of the examination.
Higher education.
PM Jawaharlal Nehru as :
A university stands for humanism, tolerance, reason, an adventure of ideas and for a search for the truth.
Qualification implies 3 to 4 year maximum to complete followed by post graduate.
IACS - Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Ed-tech platforms
Covid 19 + education
Towards a more holistic and multidisciplinary education
-develop all capacities of human beings - intellectual, aesthetic, physical, emotional and moral...integration.
Multiple entry and exist.
UG education -3-4 yr with mutiple exist and certification within this period.
Certificate -1 yr
Advanced diploma 2 yr
Bachelor's degree 3 yr
Bachelor's with Research 4 yr
Mid - term dropouts
Assessment Reforms
(Continues and Comprehensive evaluation)
National Research Foundation - apex body.
Vocational education - offered by higher education and it given by other way
ODL - Open and Distance Learning.
HECI Higher Education Commission of India 4 independent verticles
Arts, Culture and Language
Art in Resident
Degrees in Translation and Interpretation (IITI).
Teacher Education.
4 - year integrated B. ED Program
NEP 2020
TEIs Teacher Education Institutions.
The program mentions NEP roles
and rules and how it will be effective
to future students.
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