Camp Day 4

Camp Day 4

 Day 4 Camp Blog

The fourth day of our camp was a blend of wellness, learning, service, and meaningful discussions. The day began with an invigorating yoga session led by Dr. James T. Joseph, from 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM, setting a calm and focused tone for the rest of the day.

After a hearty breakfast at 8:00 AM, the morning assembly from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM reflected on the previous day's achievements, inspired participants with a thought for the day, and concluded with the NSS anthem.

At 9:00 AM, we watched an educational documentary on healthy food habits, Nutritife, which highlighted the importance of balanced nutrition and mindful eating habits.

From 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, Dr. Binu James, a Scientific Assistant in Physiotherapy from the Neurosurgery Department at the Government Medical College, conducted an informative session titled Path to Health. It emphasized the role of physical fitness and preventive care in maintaining long-term health.

A quick tea break at 11:00 AM was followed by a session on Career Guidance from 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM. The session provided valuable insights into career planning, decision-making, and emerging opportunities for youth.

Lunch was served from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM, and soon after, the group departed for a visit to the State Soil Museum & Soil Information Centre, Parottukonam. From 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, participants explored the importance of soil conservation, marking Soil Conservation Day with an enlightening and hands-on learning experience.

Simultaneously, another team of volunteers continued the Go Green-Keep Clean programme at Veli Tourist Village, demonstrating their dedication to creating cleaner public spaces.

After a refreshing tea break at 4:00 PM, the day took a serious turn with a Drug Abuse Awareness Programme from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Shri. Y. Shibu, Deputy Excise Commissioner of Kollam, delivered an impactful talk, sharing statistics, real-life stories, and preventive measures to combat drug abuse.

Dinner at 8:00 PM was followed by the Reflection of the Day, where participants shared their insights and experiences. Attendance was marked, and at 10:00 PM, the lights were turned off, bringing another productive day to a close.

Arivu - Survey cum Conscientization Programme

Team: Prithivi (2023-2025 Batch)

On Day 4 of our  camp, Team Prithivi, along with fellow volunteers, participated in the Arivu: Survey cum Conscientization Programme at Vettinad Village, Shandhi Bhavan. This initiative was not only about gathering data but also about understanding the lives and challenges of the local community while raising awareness about health, hygiene, and waste management.

Our Mission

The programme aimed to collect data on the villagers' health practices, personal hygiene, and waste disposal methods, while sensitizing them about sustainable living. We divided into pairs, forming five groups to cover 10 households.

Our Observations

As we visited each home, we were struck by the limitations in their living spaces. Many households faced challenges such as lack of proper infrastructure and resources, yet the warmth and hospitality of the villagers overshadowed these hardships. Despite their struggles, they welcomed us with open hearts, eager to share their stories and participate in the survey.

Their willingness to engage in conversations about health and hygiene was inspiring. Some residents demonstrated commendable practices, while others showed a genuine interest in learning and improving.

The Survey Process

Armed with structured questionnaires, we initiated discussions about:

Daily health and hygiene routines

Methods of waste disposal

Challenges faced in maintaining cleanliness

The openness of the villagers allowed us to gather meaningful insights and identify areas where awareness and support are most needed.

Reflections and Insights

This experience was humbling and enlightening. Despite their limited resources, the villagers' hospitality and cooperation reminded us of the resilience and positivity of communities in challenging situations.

The survey also shed light on the importance of addressing:

Access to clean and sustainable waste disposal options

Health education to promote better hygiene practices

Support systems to improve living conditions


We are deeply grateful to the residents of Vettinad Village for their openness and willingness to collaborate. Their trust and engagement made this programme impactful and rewarding.


The Arivu programme was more than a survey—it was a lesson in empathy, resilience, and teamwork. It highlighted the significance of connecting with communities, understanding their realities, and contributing to solutions with compassion and care.

Team Prithivi leaves this experience enriched, motivated, and ready to continue our journey of learning and service.

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